THERMAL-XR® PROJECT UPDATE: FAST FOOD RESTAURANT CHAIN UNITS#3, 6.8% ENERGY REDUCTION After coating with THERMAL-XR® on a Brisbane, Australia residential air conditioner, a 6.8% Energy Reduction was measured by management regression analysis estimate. Energy Reduction 6.8% Energy Savings 13.6 kWhr | Annualised Estimate 381 kWhr Emission Savings 13.6 CO2 kg | Annualised Estimate 381 CO2 […]
THERMAL-XR® PROJECT UPDATE: FAST FOOD RESTAURANT CHAIN UNIT#1, 19% ENERGY REDUCTION After coating with THERMAL-XR® on a Brisbane, Australia residential air conditioner, a 19% Energy Reduction was measured by management regression analysis estimate. Energy Reduction 19% Energy Savings 99 kWhr | Annualised Estimate 722 kWhr Emission Savings 99 CO2 kg | Annualised Estimate 722 CO2 […]
THERMAL-XR® PROJECT UPDATE: Residential Air Conditioner Savings, 45% ENERGY REDUCTION After coating with THERMAL-XR® on a Brisbane, Australia residential air conditioner, a 45% Energy Reduction was measured by management regression analysis estimate. Energy Reduction 45% Energy Savings 302 kWhr | Annualised Estimate 3936 kWhr Emission Savings 302 CO2 KG | Annualised Estimate 3936 CO2 KG Measurement […]
THERMAL-XR® HVAC ENERGY COATING SYSTEM was successful in achieving a 22% reduction in energy savings, 21,662 kg of CO2 emissions savings and over $7000 in energy costs. The unit was an 85 Kw size and was several years in age. Please talk to us if you would like to know more.